What the fuck do you know?
Just cos you're old you think ur wise...
But who the hell are u though!
I didn't even ask for your advice!
You wanna keep your mouth shut,
You wanna take your thoughts elsewhere,
Cos you're doing in my nut,
And do you think I care
Say what you say,
Do what you do
Feel what you feel,
As long as it's real.
I said take what you take
And give what you give
Just be what you want,
Just as long as it's real.
Tryin' to be just happy. No messin around with me baby, no. Cansada de tus caprichos, i'm leaving this fuckin shit, my mental health is 'n risk... take what u take,i'm not letting u take the rest of me. We don't need poisoned people round here. Hacete analizar, cambiate de obra social, ponete a régimen, mudate de país, hacete capitalista: I DON'T FUCKIN CARE; estas cegado de ego!
Quizas sea lo mejor que se me ocurrió hacer en mucho tiempo...
Aspirando buenas vibras, y las malas FUSH FUSH !
i'm having the time of my life,
ahora empieza todo...
lisa y llanamente f e l i z .
1 comentario:
Hola Mel, como va? espero que bien, en todos lados hay gente con un ego tan inflado, y si, te enferman de a poco, lo digo por experiencia :S, lo mejor es no darles bola, es importante que vos no te enfermes, te dejo un abrazo, saludos!!
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